22 December 2007


Is anyone listening?

Anyone from the Authorities, I mean? The Heirs of Hoover? The Captain always needs more recruits, and maybe some of the dark-suit boys will stop by and like what they read. Even Joey G-Man is human.

The dimwits in Congress, however...sheesh. At least Joey is doing his job. The scoundrels in the marble halls? what's their job? They are supposed to uphold the constitution. That's THEIR job. And that's why we need to throw the bums out, the lot of 'em, and start over. Let's start with that blowhard Rutledge: Rep. Randolph "I don't care if they are American citizens why should any damned extremists and terror supporters have any rights under our Constitution, if they're not guilty why are they worried?" Rutledge, (R-Gitmo). Can you handle this Truth, Rand ol' chap? Your time in the sun has come and gone. Just wait...next time you send that email off to Miss Honeycakes, you can bet Joey and his boys will be critiquing your verbs. And the Authorities are VERY interested in your use of conditional and future perfect.

09 December 2007

The New Spirit of America—Avenging the Wrongs of the Past

What's this World gonna look like in the Future? What's Capitalism's ultimate goal? Machines produce, wage-slaves produce, companies buy and sell to other companies, everything is automated on the Internet. Is peak efficiency the elimination of (paid) humans in any kind of labor, even labor of the mind? Will humans exist only to slave and consume? Some would say that's where we are now! If the rich could make money by eliminating other classes, they would. But they need the middle class (the ever-shrinking middle class) to be Contented, to buffer the poor from rioting. They need the middle and working classes to BUY until and beyond DEBT, to keep the consumer-based capitalist economy making money for the rich investors. Cannibal individualism and Endless growth will kill the planet! Capitalism is Unsustainable! Are you tired of being blamed for the stock market falling, because you're not buying enough shiny things or useless crap? Are you tired of going bankrupt because health "care" is focused on profit at the expense of life? We have a smoke & mirrors economy. Are you tired of having to "pay to play" in our "democratic" system to elect our leaders? Its up to us, the Revolutionary Internet Generation! We must organize! Democratic socialism is the only answer!