22 November 2008

A special message

The Powers That Be have been operating under the Total Oil Timeline: we have enough oil in the ground to last “X” many years—no need to panic just yet. Will it run out? Of course, eventually, someday. But no need for drastic changes, TPTB insist. After all, the entire global economy is based on fossil fuels, and turning that ship around won’t—can’t—happen overnight.

It is now obvious, however, that THATS THE WRONG TIMELINE. In the real timeline, the Cheap Oil Timeline, the world is much further along, much closer to the Danger Zone. Like planning for a 30-year mortgage based on a steady income, but all of a sudden your job gets outsourced and by the way, the bank wants the full balance, say, next year. Or raises your adjustable rate mortgage…yeah, yeah, no hypothetical necessary—that’s happening for real. But you can always get another job, no? Actually, no. Nobody’s buying anything—and so, just in time, right at the supply peak, demand for oil begins to collapse. Kick the can down the road, buying us more time.

How convenient!!

15 September 2008

It's outrageous!

Two national economies, a parallel market. The rich behind-the-scenes bankers & vulture investors profit from economic woes THEY created. Corporate Socialism for the rich bankers, 99-cent value menu for the rest of us.

Rise up, Main Street!

26 July 2008

What does the Future hold? Five deuces wild

Can the future be predicted? Yes, because until it happens, all possibilities are valid. The instant the Future "happens", it becomes the past. The better question is, Can the past be predicted?

In related News: Will the sun always rise? Sure. Until it doesn't.

13 February 2008

More about today's Daily Outrage:

It was recently reported that: "Effort is underway in state legislature to keep workings of VA Fusion Center secret; Privacy groups fight on."


I like fusion. Especially the Thai/Indian coconut curry. And cold fusion is the secret to the Energy Crisis, now and forevermore, correct? Fusion is our only hope, our only future: it's all we're left with now that every single original idea has already been thought. NOW, everything new must be a mixture of other things. Hybrid. Fusion. Same thing.

But a Fusion Center? Something tells me that's not a stainless steel & neon sound-stage where iron chefs make peanut curry for the next Food Network cuisine-o-rama. Something tells me this type of fusion is closer to the Cold variety...(and when was that "invented", hmmm? could this have something to do with our rogue planet and its out-sized influence? but that's another post...) THIS fusion squirreled away in VA is also a cheap and abundant source of energy, but not the good kind, oh no. This cheap and abundant source of energy is your/our Information flowing to and fro -- a gold mine of data that once properly harnessed, will provide endless power to keep the capitalist engine and the security drive-train humming.

Why couldn't fusion be used to blend the best of all worlds instead of the worst?

(I'm hoping the past will show us the way to the vision)

22 December 2007


Is anyone listening?

Anyone from the Authorities, I mean? The Heirs of Hoover? The Captain always needs more recruits, and maybe some of the dark-suit boys will stop by and like what they read. Even Joey G-Man is human.

The dimwits in Congress, however...sheesh. At least Joey is doing his job. The scoundrels in the marble halls? what's their job? They are supposed to uphold the constitution. That's THEIR job. And that's why we need to throw the bums out, the lot of 'em, and start over. Let's start with that blowhard Rutledge: Rep. Randolph "I don't care if they are American citizens why should any damned extremists and terror supporters have any rights under our Constitution, if they're not guilty why are they worried?" Rutledge, (R-Gitmo). Can you handle this Truth, Rand ol' chap? Your time in the sun has come and gone. Just wait...next time you send that email off to Miss Honeycakes, you can bet Joey and his boys will be critiquing your verbs. And the Authorities are VERY interested in your use of conditional and future perfect.

09 December 2007

The New Spirit of America—Avenging the Wrongs of the Past

What's this World gonna look like in the Future? What's Capitalism's ultimate goal? Machines produce, wage-slaves produce, companies buy and sell to other companies, everything is automated on the Internet. Is peak efficiency the elimination of (paid) humans in any kind of labor, even labor of the mind? Will humans exist only to slave and consume? Some would say that's where we are now! If the rich could make money by eliminating other classes, they would. But they need the middle class (the ever-shrinking middle class) to be Contented, to buffer the poor from rioting. They need the middle and working classes to BUY until and beyond DEBT, to keep the consumer-based capitalist economy making money for the rich investors. Cannibal individualism and Endless growth will kill the planet! Capitalism is Unsustainable! Are you tired of being blamed for the stock market falling, because you're not buying enough shiny things or useless crap? Are you tired of going bankrupt because health "care" is focused on profit at the expense of life? We have a smoke & mirrors economy. Are you tired of having to "pay to play" in our "democratic" system to elect our leaders? Its up to us, the Revolutionary Internet Generation! We must organize! Democratic socialism is the only answer!

15 November 2007

And Around Again

What's happening now?
We are on the edge of chaos. Anything could happen. One way or the other? Nah, too simplistic. There are MANY which ways to go. Back in the good old days when we only had millions of people on the planet, predictions were a piece of cake, relatively. Back when information was controlled, when peasants listened to strong leaders, when globalization took 80 days and a French valet. Now, the potential influences are everywhere, and they all have iPhones!

So what is a nice Power That Be to do? Ahhh.

Newton knew. The 3rd law of motion is the most adaptable to human behavior. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Offense/Defense. Things are progressing NOW. Right. However. Great progress always leads to a reaction by those who fear and doubt the value of progress.

The Powers that Be await the Downward Stroke.

01 November 2007

27 October 2007

Window into Time?

Astrology should, according to scientists, be filed away in the "Quaint Stuff Our Unsophisticated Ancestors Had" bin, on the shelf next to leeches, covered wagons, and the divine right of kings.


What if scientists found evidence of the reality of astrology? Would they admit it?

What if there was physical evidence, and documented happenings, and lack of an alternative explanation, that pointed to demonstrable effects of planetary influences upon our bodies?

What if the planets altered the motion of cosmic particles in such a way to cause interaction with the electromagnetic activity of our brains? Cosmic rays reach the earth all the time. The brain is susceptible to changes in magnetic fields--it responds to EM pulses from outside the body. Who here has read about the plasticity of the brain, and how it changes based on outside (environmental, new learning, new actions) influences?

What if it could be determined that the motion of one planet in particular -- and the timing of its orbit -- actively influenced tectonic shifts in human development, psychology, sociology, and political thinking?

And what if this secret was only known by the rich and powerful: the ones who were/are in a position to exploit that knowledge? What if they knew the timing of the cycle, and what to expect? Would it be like predicting the future? Would it be like traveling ahead in time?

My head spins. I am confident in posting this. We're still working out the details... Loyal fans of the Captain will understand.

13 October 2007

This is big. I got a legit contact on the inside who has evidence of big machinations of great historical importance. Things REALLY aren't what they seem.
More soon...

21 September 2007

I apologize for the delay.
I've discovered //
I've been working on a new angle of the investigation.
It appears there's more to the weapons system than we thought.
Will keep you all posted.

01 September 2007

The Captain has received some curious comments recently. The One with Knowledge is urged to send an email, along with the Key info...

31 August 2007

Either Or

The current leftish party -- our supposed defender -- is only concerned with solidifying and securing its own power. It professes to fight for the little guys, but when the choice comes down to Main Street vs. Wall Street, guess who gets the nod? Oh, the other guys are worse, I know that. But I can't be the first to point out that next to a swarm of termites, a woodpecker doesn't look half bad, not at first. Either way, tho, yer shingles still get ruined.

So why do people fall for it? We get thrown under a bus by the Vultures in Power, then we turn in disgust to The Option B Team (THIS time they will help us!), then wonder why we're still staring up at mufflers and axles. WHY? Because we're unable to move beyond the Two Choices. That's intentional. The Powers That Be know the Key to mind control is in the illusion of choice. Even if there is no real choice, we've been conditioned to believe we MUST make one (and it better be the correct one).

To the American mind, Schrodinger's cat is both red and blue: the mind knows Power A is both in power and out of power at the same time, ditto Power B. It knows everything and nothing depends on your choosing one of two safe "choices". But it "chooses" anyway, with great fanfare.

We need to find our own Key...

26 August 2007

In the News:

Should we be Outraged?

Story #1: Russia, China and four Central Asian members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation conduct war games in the southern Ural Mountains area of Russia.

Story #2: Riots in Bangladesh Follow Devastating Floods; Millions homeless in SE Asia.

Story #3: Russian Oil Exploration Expedition reaches seabed beneath North Pole.
UPDATE: Canada announces plans for Arctic military bases in response to Russian claims.

Story #4: US, Mexico, Canada leaders meet at summit under the North American Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) mechanism to discuss economic and security issues, energy and prosperity.

Story #5: Rumors of Parallel Roundtable meeting of top executives. News from the Island is spotty, says our correspondent...more soon.