22 November 2008

A special message

The Powers That Be have been operating under the Total Oil Timeline: we have enough oil in the ground to last “X” many years—no need to panic just yet. Will it run out? Of course, eventually, someday. But no need for drastic changes, TPTB insist. After all, the entire global economy is based on fossil fuels, and turning that ship around won’t—can’t—happen overnight.

It is now obvious, however, that THATS THE WRONG TIMELINE. In the real timeline, the Cheap Oil Timeline, the world is much further along, much closer to the Danger Zone. Like planning for a 30-year mortgage based on a steady income, but all of a sudden your job gets outsourced and by the way, the bank wants the full balance, say, next year. Or raises your adjustable rate mortgage…yeah, yeah, no hypothetical necessary—that’s happening for real. But you can always get another job, no? Actually, no. Nobody’s buying anything—and so, just in time, right at the supply peak, demand for oil begins to collapse. Kick the can down the road, buying us more time.

How convenient!!

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